Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Leaders! It Is About The People-Are You Making Or Taking?

In societies in a world that individuals live in, everyone should by now have noticed the difference between these two ways of making and taking.

Ways of some leadership that will help you to grow or a false way of leadership that leaves you falling to the floor.

True leadership shows you what to do to make yourself productive in ways, with strong leadership skills that are secure and will help remove obstacles from your life of the door gates.

Or leadership that is full of greed, that only pulls from individuals and never thinks of their needs.

Leaders do come in all forms, shapes, sizes, and ways, and as a leadership aspect, they should come with human care.

A good true way to comfort and help you, as you're being taught in life to know what to do.

Family, friends, or strangers on the road, sometimes show more leadership than the proclaimed leaders that you know.

Leadership is happy leadership is healthy leadership is always willing to help somebody.

Leadership is about having a strong heart and voice, with a loving willing heart that is not based on an option but on a willing heart's choice.

Leaders should always truthfully lead but never with a heart full or open pocket for greed.

There are individuals out there who lead or who want to lead and they don't represent good loving caring leadership ways, as it's mostly about how much they can get from you to add to their financial wares.

They never put their hands to help anyone it's always taking or begging taking from others to fill their wallets, Yes! those stuffed little things that lay in their pockets.

Some leaders also get drunk on huge donations and with no reliable plans in mind, they just produce a lot of "waste matters", projects and procedures that do not benefit anyone, or a people as a whole, only themselves and the corporate world of friendships.

The thing is that no one should call themselves or be called good leaders if they are not doing good to help individuals to know.

It's not about a title or certificate but about the fruits you wear and bears that will help others to truly grow.

No leader should be taking from the people, no leader should be hating on the people, no leader should lead for fun, and no leader should be quick to pull a weapon in hand.

I see some individuals that call themselves leaders and all that I see are freeloaders.

As they never seem to get things done, and all they do is make daily rants.

About things that don't matter, and some do act like the mad hatter.

If you are a true leader you should lead and the people positively feed.

Teach them how to take care of themselves, teach them how to build their own earned wealth.

Teach them how to grow, mentally, physically, and spiritually know.

It should always be about the people to help keep them safe and to help them grow and to keep them all conscious with always a clear mind to know.

To be always comfortable with themselves and first and foremost to love themselves and help themselves to grow and never for show.

So people if you are a true leader by all means lead, but if you are a freeloader there will not be a place for your greed.

Everyone will be seeing, everyone will be known, and everyone will be hearing what you false leaders are doing.

Monday, 6 February 2017

Cyber Security- Is Anyone's Information Ever Safe?

In a vast arena of people in societies all over the world that patronized the internet passages of ways, some people are using the Internet without any care.

Personal information continues to go to and fro as people share and register to join certain sites to make themselves known.

And the mandate of these sites is for an individual to register and gave the relevant personal information to get in, and I wonder in the end who is really winning?

The information is processed and where does it go, does anyone really know?

Where does all your personal information goes after you put it on a site to register as the direction is shown?

Don't you ever wonder where all your information is going to? Is there good security for the site put in place? Or is your information going to be floating all over the place?

And when you closed off an account on a site is your information being destroyed and secured real tight or just laid unsecured in some web of waste for someone to find its linked portal door?

Sometimes people share their information on some sites and decide to close their accounts and within a few minutes they are getting strange calls, emails, and texts, and it can really make someone upset.

As it seems that personal information is shared and no one could never ever know how the contacts got personal information that way as no one ever seems to be sure.

But it's so easy to see that some sites are not what they seemed to be, as some are a deadlock in some kind of scams that has your information and is using it to make some fast cash.

And again I'm asking, Is there cyber security, and is anyone ever safe?

Is there any system in place that can actually show you where your personal information goes when it had been distributed or deleted.

A system that shreds all invaluable personal information and permanently deletes it off the web.

It's very disturbing to know that all your information is floating around on the world wide web sometimes just waiting to get plucked by a stranger that you don't know and don't know you.

No one never knows until they get a strange contact of some kind.

I know that so many people out there are thinking about their information floating on the world wide web.

Yes! Just like me, they want to know "When distributed or deleted where does the personal information go?

Is cyber security really securing the personal information of individuals? Or it's just floating on the world wide web for scamming individuals?

Friday, 27 January 2017

In Depths Of Debt Or Spending Check-Doing Worldly Instead Of Priorities?

I once tried my hand at debt collection as a bailiff at an agency after I got a call, and I didn't stay there long as within four days I was gone, because the place, the woman, and reading the case files, etc just had me feeling sick. 

It was a lady I was working for and not only was she trying to push fear and panic on the people, but her whole vibe was also off-setting, and anyone that knows me knows that I don't stay in an uncomfortable and negative setting. 

Also, gathering information from past employees that walk out, they also confess that her energy was really negative and what she was doing was repulsive to them, so I was not the only one that felt that way and walked out.

The place had me feeling sick, and I remembered that she once told me that the individuals that came there always felt sick, and to tell the truth I did know the reason for everything as the woman and place were full of masks and other items displayed that carry dark energies.

I had many experiences with her and the building but for now, I would keep that for another article post, but I will say to some individuals looking for employment to be very careful where they go and who they approach because a lot of individuals are dappling with things that they should not be dappling with.

It's a must to be focused, discerning, and in control of self to know when to get out and not be caught in any tangled dark webs.

I always tell people that in any business where you find staff leaving frequently or the business always has problems finding staff, or staff getting sick as soon as they arrived, something is definitely wrong with it and with the owner, and my words never drop, my words always produced truth.  

There are just some people that lavish off the fear, hurt, and pain of others and I think that she was one of them, I'm not that one, don't want to be a part of it so I left. 

Any other business that I go into to manage and I'm told that I have to treat the employees like they are not part of the team, I just take up my bag and walk, I'm just not dealing with the companies and their owners that have their foundations based on negative energy and ways, I'm not that one, I have a voice and I always used it to represent. 

You see! I have a heart for the people and deep within me, I knew that it was just wrong to harass individuals for payments that they didn't have.

Yes!  I know that some individuals do overdo things but trying to put fear and panic into individuals isn't going to make things better, there is a right and better way of doing things.

There is a fact that some individuals do find themselves in a bad situation and whether it's because of bad government structure or others, leniency should be put in place.

I know that they are individual who like to impress others and spend wildly, and sometimes doesn't think about their priorities.

And I do also know that they are individuals who don't have but are willing to pay and some that have but are not willing to pay.

And I think that some businesses need to work with their customers and find out how well they can go about handling bad debts instead of pushing the enforcement of fear.

It's not for anyone to judge anyone, people do go through things and they mature.

And when the time comes for some individuals they do learn to do better as they go on.

In that office, I went through thousands of files of documentation and letters upon letters based on the different direct methods that individuals are addressed with to prompt fear into them to make them produce the payments.

And what really caught my eye was the final warning letters and the going-to-court ones.

They really made me think about what I was doing as I sit at my desk and examined each file that was before me to put procedures in place.

Those letters were letters of harassment to push panic and fear into individuals, and I'm not here to help implement fear and panic into anyone, but True love and a way of understanding that will help individuals to understand how to live positively and true to themselves and others.

I left that collection agency because it doesn't carry the essence of a true love passage, and like any individual out there that has debt or had debt.

 I know how they feel when they find themselves in certain situations and are being bombarded by threats from individuals that try to solicit monies etc from them.

And it's never a good feeling, it just comes off as a burden of fear being pushed at you to panic.

If I don't want that for myself I cannot do it to others, that is why I left the agency, I will not try to apply fear and panic to anyone.

Someone told me that some people need fear to make them do things, and I say they don't, I believe that communication works and it works for all those who are willing to listen.

Individuals just need a true directional way that will allow them to understand right from wrong and to know the things and areas that will benefit them and the ones that wouldn't.

True directional passages of aspects of ways instead of blinding worldly elements that they are bombarded with daily with the elements of materialistic things and ways of procedures that constantly beguiled them that only leads to some individuals doing worldly instead of priorities and finding themselves in debt.

Fear should never be cast at them, only communication with true knowledge in the directions that will make them understand how to put their priorities first and in order.

Think about it! Instead of businesses bombarding individuals with materialistic wear etc that only robs some of them of their finances, why don't they advertise how individuals can save and not buy things that are not needed?

I know by now some individuals reading would be saying I'm in a dream world, I am not in a dream world, I am in a world where individuals can have a heart and look at an individual and speak truth to them, I'm a realist and lying will eat at my inner core with much discomfort, I prefer to speak the truth and say what I have to say instead of playing word games.

I understand people and saying the right things to people can help them come around, to change the aspects of themselves to move with a better form, it only takes the right person to do it, and implement direct and true ways that will help individuals build their up their lives through a good financial standing.

Just think how much individuals will save and get themselves off debt threads of finance harassment from agencies and companies. 

The millions of dollars spent daily on materialistic wares devices etc that rob individuals daily, with just a mere usage in days months, or a year, and then it's not trending or wanted anymore, just to throw away.

Then a new line is replaced much higher, it is just a beguiling of the masses but instead of an apple, it's the materialistic wares.

Yes! This is a new era and the apples are all on the trees all around you in the material things that you see and buy.

And the snakes are the businesses that pushed those materialistic things in individuals' faces, also, the voices in your head that tell you, "I must get this because I want it".

I do know that everyone has their own willpower to do what they want, but being controlled by making bad decisions based on what false elements certain institutions in the world push at you, isn't helping anyone, it is just teasing them to buy more.

A lot of individuals sometimes find themselves dealing with a bad financial situation because of the element structures that are implemented by some individuals or businesses to get whatever they have.

 I know what I'm talking about because I have worked in areas where business owners with no remorse just wanted to rob individuals blind by pricing items at high just because they wanted to and felt good doing it.

When you look at it, it's always to get more of what an individual has, and if they can't pay it's always to go after all that they have.

Individuals need to wake up and realized that some businesses are just out to target them, and they will use everything they have just to pull individuals in.

It's up to everyone to maintain themselves, know what they can and cannot afford, and don't try to impress anyone by living above their means.

You might try to impress individuals by buying materialistic things that are branded, but after you've spent what you have, who is left holding the bills?

Certainly, not the people that you're trying to impress, actually those same people might be the ones that laugh at you for trying to impress them by spending what you don't have.

Individuals must start setting their priorities straight, do the major and leave the minor for another time, try to settle all outstanding bills, and keep debt at bay.

And if there is a financial problem that needs to be fixed, I'm sure that some businesses will work with them according to the debt timeline. 

If you don't get caught up in the spending spree you wouldn't get caught up in the debt sea, spend wisely people.

Monday, 23 January 2017

Open For Business? -Organization And Appearance.

The business arena consists of all types of businesses in all parts of the world, all types shapes and sizes and each of them carry different methods and products of wares.

Some operate with management and supervisory standings and some do benefit as to being well organized.

But there is a percentage of businesses that lack much organization and function as no management or supervisory attention is hired to maintain them.

As in some businesses, staff is given the responsibility to keep the said business organize but after a while, no interest is shown and things just remain unkept.

In the beginning, you will find some Individuals with ideas of opening a business and they put everything into works and get ready for a grand opening.

Everything is well organized, and displayed, staff is on point and ready to serve potential customers.

 But After a few months or years, you don't seem to find the grand element of the business, no more enthusiasm in staff, in the business the appearance or the organization skill.

As some businesses just end up a run down aspect of its former self.

Some employers just leave their business to run to ruins,  as no longer do they show interest to maintain it's standard and upkeep.

Organization in a business should always be a must, as it is in self and life.

Whether you are the boss or employee organization in the business should be a must to keep the standard of the business.

Having a business that is not properly presented in terms of appearance and service is a business that lacks coordination and most likely will loose sales.

A business place of the environment should not be kept like a flea market with everything shattered confusingly all over the place.

A consistency in arranging aspects of products should be implemented.

‘‘A business place that is confused with pull confusion’’.

Yes! That is why In a confuse business everyone seems to get a headache because it's too confusing.

And it does and will interfere with the daily sales, service, and employees of the business.

Keeping a business well-organized means keeping away the clutter, dysfunction and the confusion as it will end up well grounded, more manageable and more appealing for potential customers and sales to come in.

It also means that interest is being shown to it.

Any potential customer just like myself likes to shop in a business without confusion disorder.

There should always a welcoming feel, presentable appearance, a pleasing smell as we as good service and staff with pleasant attitudes.

And as a customer, when you find yourself having to face a dysfunctional, disorganized, unkempt smelly business with very rude staff,  you just don't want to go in.

And as always a business that reaps of confusion will try to sell confusion and who wants that?

Seeing any business that is not organized, smells or reeks of confusion I just stay away from, and Yes! This is the mentality of a potential customer that wants to shop in or do business in comfort.

Not everyone like disorder, there are employees and customers that like to know that they are shopping and working in comfortable environments, clean smell well organized, and a professional way.

In a dysfunctional business most likely you will have dysfunctional unhappy staff.

I'm an individual that where ever I work there must be ordered and a sense of comfort and professionalism even if I have to implement it myself.

The first employment job that I was given I found myself being given the keys to the business, and every business after that Was the same, as I have a reputation as a professional individual that puts a business in order.

I'm an organizer and I make sure that appearance of whatever business I work in, as well as the product appearance of marketing aspects, is presentable and well organized for the benefit of the customer's, staff and that it represents the business outline.

Also, I make sure that customer service is well represented as customers are treated with great care to make sure that whenever they leave the business that they are leaving with a sense of satisfaction.

And not all businesses can offer that, that is why so many businesses are fading away because they lack substance in the area of professionalism in the business field.

With bad service and staff that continues to call in sick because they are just fed up with the place etc.

And to tell the truth! Who in their right mind wants to work in an environment of a workplace that lacks substance, that only produces a stress of a confusion way and disorder? Not in this day no one doesn't.

Some business owners need to step up their game in terms of keeping their businesses presentable and professional for customers and staff.

I've seen so many businesses run down and still, the owners are at the doors trying to solicit sales and day after day no one doesn't even make an attempt to go in, as the appearance of the store is just repulsive and disorderly and never have a welcoming feel.

So Business people always remember that bad business leads to dysfunction rude staff and no business.

Sunday, 22 January 2017

The Changing-False Virtues.

Not so long ago individuals were buying gifts as presents and sharing what was supposed to be false love.

Now today anger seems to show, as each one drops the false love that once camouflages their face that they so fakely showed.

Angry individuals are all out creating big havoc with signs on boards they shout.

And some seem so confused to know what they know not and still fighting to know.

The change of false virtues the ones that only days ago seem to you so caring now show the trueness of themselves that they had camouflaged.

A sudden change happens the love that they describe to be it is gone as if it was a bare shadow.

And now anger is in full gear as they show each other scorned and no care.

You know what?  I can not take fake ways, fake individuals that say a word with a fake face.

I like to read individuals from the heart because if true love isn't there in my life they will have no part.

I just can not take individuals with false virtues as one day they are for you and the next day or so they just seem to want to destroy you.

The drastic change that just happens with their attitudes and most of all some are individuals that sat in the church building on benches and seats in church wear in cues.

Singing so peaceful and sweetly with not only a double face but a tongue, that when they get upset they want to push you to the ground.

These ways need to stop the false virtues of ways, the angry individuals, the leaders, and money moguls that corrupt individuals with methods that push anger and fear.

Mankind is being controlled by devious entities and they are trying to push God the Creation's hand.

But You know what? The time is coming when Father Creator God will take his ultimate stand.

There is too much going on, too much reckless behavior to many devious entities that push anger and fear along.

Too much fighting too much hating too much is going on for too long.

And for some it's not going to be pretty and sweet, it not going to be an inauguration parade why Father Creator God gets off his throne and stands on his feet. 

Climate Change? Or Mankind's Manipulating Ways?

Climate change was described as a terrorist and that is the craziest thing amongst mankind that I have ever heard.

Mother nature and her elements were around before mankind existed and she knows how to control and evolve the world.

The universal structure was not made by man, so why does mankind keep doing ignorant things to try to push God the Creator's hand.

Truth must be heard and it is the time that it is heard because this wayward falsifying of ways is just leaving mankind to go around in circles among themselves.

Climate change was never and will never be a terrorist, it's some among you with a manipulation of worldly vessels that tries to intimidate structures in ways, that produce bad weather through the months and sometimes days.

It's the forecasting of entities of bad government structure.

Yes! The earth is changing as it continues to evolve in ways naturally recommended by its Creator that has been doing through the ages.

And Yes! The climate is changing as it's an umbilical reform structure to adjust to his partnership in the changing world.

But by no means does climate change represent a weapon of destruction as stated by the ignorance speaking of some governmental leading entities that pushed false wayward ways.

As falsifying ways manipulate the weather system structure by wicked machinery that is controlled by hands that invest millions of dollars to generate billions more amongst themselves.

Climate change isn't a threat it's just another attempt to put a devious veil over mankind's eyes on their own that distribute controlling ways.

Mother nature knows when and how she will maneuver in ways to adjust to a changing world as she adjusts herself in the universal realm, and she does not need a chaperone, she has been doing it all through the ages without the help of man.

Help is needed in areas of healing her wounds from hands that caused her to be affected by the raping and abusing of her elements which she produces to help her maintain her stance.

It's so intriguing to see how governmental structures can follow each other in a falsified way and place a title on mother nature's natural system forecast and can not put a title on their destruction of manipulating ways.

The climate is not the reason for panic or the cause of territorial destruction, it's individuals among yourselves called mankind that weary the world and its people with many hardships of weapons, laws, and structures.

With the destruction of ways with weaponry that erupts a premature launch in the earth's atmosphere and hemisphere to produce panicking and fearful effects that just lead to transmitted ways to intimidate individuals among you into their hands.

Manmade machinery that is situated above below and around the world, is channeling effective ways that manipulate weather behavior to cause an outburst that changes climate mobility to channel ways that do depict harsh weather.

But It's not naturally borne, it's just made up of mechanisms of man's superficial elements of destruction, to gain control of the masses and to direct billions of dollars into their own pockets.

Mother nature and her evolving system of elements are innocent of what they call a threat to mankind.

Some among you robbed mother nature of nearly everything that she is and now they are trying to rob her of the adequate and healing reputation that she uses to evolve protect and maintain individuals in the world.

There should never be a guilty verdict placed on her head, with all that she keeps enduring by malicious hands and entities of ways, she is still trying to maintain her stance her structure, and her truths, and you know what? She will speak out!

Mankind has gained entry into an extraordinary world of manipulating software and weaponry that were produced by tainted hands.

And they try to control, as they use elements of ways to try to dictate how mother nature's climate structure should work.

And mother nature speaks today and she is saying that she will not compromise with mankind's reckless behavior that continues to taint her name.

There are hands that control buttons of large structure systems, wheels that are driven under your feet that maneuver through deep tunnels of basements with secret doors, and space eye metal of wares that maneuver where and how they want their devious plan to eventually be displayed in the lives of individuals as to try to disrupt their days.

Mother nature's climate system is not a terrorist, she is not here to cause harm, she is not a weapon of destruction, she is just here to keep mankind safe, happy secure alive, and warm.

Some territories are causing massive destruction amongst themselves as they push massive disturbances into the hemisphere and atmosphere all around the world.

Everyone should by now have the knowledge wisdom and understanding of what is going on among you, from others with manipulating structures of ways.

For instance Japan! That months ago produce an earthquake from using a piece of their weaponry.

Some individuals' eyes and ears are open but they do not see or hear as to be conscious enough to comprehend that they are standing in a world with individuals like themselves that have seeded many manipulating elements of aspects ways just to control them.

And these are all done by those among you just like you with deliberate acts and not mother nature's natural changing ways. 

Friday, 20 January 2017


Some time ago, everyone  was talking about ‘‘ No Bullying! And Yes! It is a terrible and bad thing

Now I realized that when you look at the area aspect of bullying some individuals want to pick and choose with a double tongue they use to say and now they giving a sleazy devious grin.

You know! Bullying is bullying and it should never be icing coated when hate- racism and envy etc is coming from them and your, destruction is their motive.

Bullying is bullying and being pushed by a bully is bullying the same way.

Bullying in school is always highlighted and so is bullying in life in relationships from a husband or wife.

Bullying from social media is a way that stirs up hatred and continuous strife.

Bullying from an intruder that approaches you with some weapon or a knife.

I don't argue politics or religion I aligned myself with what is truthful and right, I speak with Loving words that heal and open the unconscious eyes and always avoid anyone that has angry spirits that may want to fight.

Arguing religion and politics always has a circulation of argumental ways, and sometimes it causes a stir of confusion that goes on for minutes hours months days, or years.

The constant bullying of innocent people because a man got in, into an arena of political leadership that from individuals made him win.

The constant bullying of innocent lives that are being bullied every day and what I can not understand is that the same individuals that were once in the highlight that so constantly voiced their opinion about bullying are now silent like snakes hiding under a bed of grass, waiting to see how much on passages will eventually pass.

You know! Individuals speak about wanting peace and on weekdays and Sundays in the church buildings you see them go, and it seems that they are praising some superficial demon, God, because when their trueness appears you can see the demons in them as its ways manifest and shows.

The behavior of these individuals in their place of worship and themselves is a big joke, as you don't have to have eyes to see that it's all a devious show.

The eyes and behavior of some individuals change in minutes and you see a different person, not the same camouflage ones that sit in those church building seats but Individuals soaked with demons.

The uprising that causes bullying to hate envy racism fights and arguments are not called for, the air just stinks with demon ways and the smell of their sulfur.

True Love is about helping mending healing caring, helping your brotherman in a true way not bullying them for wanting a clear true way but Lashing them with your filthy tongue or dirty hands.

Wanting what is right and pushing for the truth, and individuals out there is willing to hurt or kill you.

When a conscious mind really looks at this picture you know, hate always hate love and that is the devil for you.

Pushing for individuals that will genuinely help others as they will help you is always the right and beneficial thing to do.

Living in societies in this world by now everyone should know what is right and what is wrong, but they are a slowness is some sleepers and their minds are still unconscious to what is going on.

There should be no false spectrum of why truth is read and delivered to you day by day, there should be a true understanding in some individual's lives for them to show true love and for each other always show care.

Everyone should want what is right for each other, why all the selfish attitudes and the ignorant waste of time hating and bullying, your sisters, and brothers?

Why the discrepancy of ways?
Why the government pushed base bullying?
Why pollute the air with your voice of ignorant selfish ways?
Why treat your sisters and brothers like dogs when you throw them to the ground?
Why all the racism spurs?
Why the sudden burst of an evil attitude of actions and words?
Why the hate of choice?
Why the ongoing days with ignorant foolish noise?
Why the bleeding?
Why the pain and hate?
Why the condemning of ways?
Why participate in the hating games?
Why settle for bad when good is reaching out to hold your hand.
Why the bullying why the hating? Are you a seed of the God of Love or the devious seed of the devil Satan?

This world of individuals called ‘‘ Mankind" needs to change their ways, and really need to think about their behavior before they run out of days.

‘‘ Mankind’’ is your description and all of you are built up the same, so why all the hatred confusion noise envy, and name-calling towards each other, why are some of you causing so much ignorant unnecessary pain?

You bleed the same red blood and earthly bodies you all have.

It's time now to stop the hating and shaming, and the ignorance of ignorant name-calling.

Thursday, 12 January 2017

Interview Or Interrogation?

I know that in the business world of employment to get a job one must go through a passage or passages of interviews from individuals from the human resource of business sectors.

But what you would be surprised to hear from most individuals if this question,‘‘ Do you like to go to job interviews?  Was the first question to be asked.

They would tell you that they hate going to interviews, and the reason being is that they feel like they are sitting in a courtroom being judge prosecuted and looked upon by the jury.

And hearing this, one should automatically know that someway of things being done in the human resources faculty is definitely wrong when individuals start to feel this way.

For some, it's so intimidating just pulling the door to be faced with three or more individuals with faces that are not too inviting then to be scrutinized like you did something wrong, it is so belittling to them.

Some interviewers' and bosses might think that their way of trying to intimidate these individuals that sit before them is just trying to put a bit of pressure on them to see how well they can handle themselves.

Well! Enough with the pressure! They don't need it, living amongst some societies in this world that are trying to make bad good is enough pressure to deal with, and the heads of governments that is stealing the people's money, who wants more pressure?

Nearly everyone in some societies in this world that we live in some time or sometimes in their life, have found themselves or will find themselves having to make a decision to leave a job because of a bad structure or other within the company or other.

Individuals also walk out of jobs because of abuse whether it was verbal physical or mental abuse, they took up their bag and walked, just to have a stress-free state of being.

And any interviewer making bashful arguments on any individual for walking out of a dysfunctional business or other must be really out of their minds.

Everyone is human and in life everyone has to move on from any aspect of the way that is not beneficial and healthy to them.

Whether it's from home, a relationship or a job they have to move on as a respect to their health and self of being.

And no one taking up the title seating as interviewer or boss should be scrutinizing anyone from making a decision based on their heartfelt needs if they can not identify what the person went through as to walk in their shoe.

I find that some business interviewing systems are really out of line, in terms of questionnaires that is forced on intimidating the individual being interviewed.

Yes! Qualifications of experience do come into play but not intimidation and prosecution of anyone, that is why the court system is around and prosecution is what they are for, individuals that commit crimes.

And in the area of being interviewed, no one has committed a crime, the only crime that they will be committing is having to place themselves in front of uncouth cold heart individuals that don't understand what an individual might be going or went through just having to try to secure themselves with a job.

Some interviews have really gone to the extreme.

Sometimes when individuals pull those door, it's never a welcoming atmosphere as the interviewers are as serious as a judge looking to break the individual.

Instead of making a potential eager recipient out of them.

And only if some of those cold hearted built on intimidating interviewers would notice.

They would see that the individual before them is just waiting for the heads of human resource interviewers,  to help them to be placed into a productive business arena of employment passage.

Yes!  Individuals do walk off of jobs because of some of these reasons I will mention but there are so much more.

1) Bad Management
2) Abuse in the workplace (sexually, mentally, physical)
3) Conflict of Interest.
4) Resignation.
5) Looking for something better.
7) Uncomfortable in the workplace.
8) The Environment was too stressful.

Any of these reasons plus more that Is not mentioned could be the cause of anyone walking away from a job and as I said, more reasons can be applied.

And whatever reason it was or is for the individual to walk away from a job, it was based on their decision of what they had to endure or is enduring.

That will lead them or is leading them to do what was or is best for them, and it should not be marginalized.

And no interviewer have the right to tell an individual that had to make a choice based on any of the mentioned dysfunctional areas, that they are wrong if they did not or is not walking in that person's shoes, I know that they just need to shut up.

Some interviewers just sit in their seating,   ready to intimidate anyone that sits before them but it isn't right.

And they need to have a heart because everyone is looking for a job in a stress-free comfortable professional staff friendly environment to help their families and themselves.

And I know that the bombardment of questionnaires that is placed on some individuals is just too harsh and uncalled for.

Yes! Those individuals need a job and that is why they go and sit before interviewers,  but that should not be the reason for any interviewer or boss to belittle anyone just because they are looking for a job.

Some people just need to understand individual's hearts and then they will understand the individual's motives~Marcelle Hinkson

Everyone is living and in life they know what jobs are for them and which ones is not.

The atmospheres that are comfortable for them and the ones that are not.

The businesses to associate themselves with and the ones to not.

So Interviewers be more lenient when it comes to the bashing of questionnaires when you meet someone that had to make a decision to walk out a job to protect themselves.

You see!  If you haven't walked in their shoes to understand what they are going through or went through, you just would not understand, but that does not mean that you should proceed with the bashing of intimidation, because you shouldn't.