Friday, 27 January 2017

In Depths Of Debt Or Spending Check-Doing Worldly Instead Of Priorities?

I once tried my hand at debt collection as a bailiff at an agency after I got a call, and I didn't stay there long as within four days I was gone, because the place, the woman, and reading the case files, etc just had me feeling sick. 

It was a lady I was working for and not only was she trying to push fear and panic on the people, but her whole vibe was also off-setting, and anyone that knows me knows that I don't stay in an uncomfortable and negative setting. 

Also, gathering information from past employees that walk out, they also confess that her energy was really negative and what she was doing was repulsive to them, so I was not the only one that felt that way and walked out.

The place had me feeling sick, and I remembered that she once told me that the individuals that came there always felt sick, and to tell the truth I did know the reason for everything as the woman and place were full of masks and other items displayed that carry dark energies.

I had many experiences with her and the building but for now, I would keep that for another article post, but I will say to some individuals looking for employment to be very careful where they go and who they approach because a lot of individuals are dappling with things that they should not be dappling with.

It's a must to be focused, discerning, and in control of self to know when to get out and not be caught in any tangled dark webs.

I always tell people that in any business where you find staff leaving frequently or the business always has problems finding staff, or staff getting sick as soon as they arrived, something is definitely wrong with it and with the owner, and my words never drop, my words always produced truth.  

There are just some people that lavish off the fear, hurt, and pain of others and I think that she was one of them, I'm not that one, don't want to be a part of it so I left. 

Any other business that I go into to manage and I'm told that I have to treat the employees like they are not part of the team, I just take up my bag and walk, I'm just not dealing with the companies and their owners that have their foundations based on negative energy and ways, I'm not that one, I have a voice and I always used it to represent. 

You see! I have a heart for the people and deep within me, I knew that it was just wrong to harass individuals for payments that they didn't have.

Yes!  I know that some individuals do overdo things but trying to put fear and panic into individuals isn't going to make things better, there is a right and better way of doing things.

There is a fact that some individuals do find themselves in a bad situation and whether it's because of bad government structure or others, leniency should be put in place.

I know that they are individual who like to impress others and spend wildly, and sometimes doesn't think about their priorities.

And I do also know that they are individuals who don't have but are willing to pay and some that have but are not willing to pay.

And I think that some businesses need to work with their customers and find out how well they can go about handling bad debts instead of pushing the enforcement of fear.

It's not for anyone to judge anyone, people do go through things and they mature.

And when the time comes for some individuals they do learn to do better as they go on.

In that office, I went through thousands of files of documentation and letters upon letters based on the different direct methods that individuals are addressed with to prompt fear into them to make them produce the payments.

And what really caught my eye was the final warning letters and the going-to-court ones.

They really made me think about what I was doing as I sit at my desk and examined each file that was before me to put procedures in place.

Those letters were letters of harassment to push panic and fear into individuals, and I'm not here to help implement fear and panic into anyone, but True love and a way of understanding that will help individuals to understand how to live positively and true to themselves and others.

I left that collection agency because it doesn't carry the essence of a true love passage, and like any individual out there that has debt or had debt.

 I know how they feel when they find themselves in certain situations and are being bombarded by threats from individuals that try to solicit monies etc from them.

And it's never a good feeling, it just comes off as a burden of fear being pushed at you to panic.

If I don't want that for myself I cannot do it to others, that is why I left the agency, I will not try to apply fear and panic to anyone.

Someone told me that some people need fear to make them do things, and I say they don't, I believe that communication works and it works for all those who are willing to listen.

Individuals just need a true directional way that will allow them to understand right from wrong and to know the things and areas that will benefit them and the ones that wouldn't.

True directional passages of aspects of ways instead of blinding worldly elements that they are bombarded with daily with the elements of materialistic things and ways of procedures that constantly beguiled them that only leads to some individuals doing worldly instead of priorities and finding themselves in debt.

Fear should never be cast at them, only communication with true knowledge in the directions that will make them understand how to put their priorities first and in order.

Think about it! Instead of businesses bombarding individuals with materialistic wear etc that only robs some of them of their finances, why don't they advertise how individuals can save and not buy things that are not needed?

I know by now some individuals reading would be saying I'm in a dream world, I am not in a dream world, I am in a world where individuals can have a heart and look at an individual and speak truth to them, I'm a realist and lying will eat at my inner core with much discomfort, I prefer to speak the truth and say what I have to say instead of playing word games.

I understand people and saying the right things to people can help them come around, to change the aspects of themselves to move with a better form, it only takes the right person to do it, and implement direct and true ways that will help individuals build their up their lives through a good financial standing.

Just think how much individuals will save and get themselves off debt threads of finance harassment from agencies and companies. 

The millions of dollars spent daily on materialistic wares devices etc that rob individuals daily, with just a mere usage in days months, or a year, and then it's not trending or wanted anymore, just to throw away.

Then a new line is replaced much higher, it is just a beguiling of the masses but instead of an apple, it's the materialistic wares.

Yes! This is a new era and the apples are all on the trees all around you in the material things that you see and buy.

And the snakes are the businesses that pushed those materialistic things in individuals' faces, also, the voices in your head that tell you, "I must get this because I want it".

I do know that everyone has their own willpower to do what they want, but being controlled by making bad decisions based on what false elements certain institutions in the world push at you, isn't helping anyone, it is just teasing them to buy more.

A lot of individuals sometimes find themselves dealing with a bad financial situation because of the element structures that are implemented by some individuals or businesses to get whatever they have.

 I know what I'm talking about because I have worked in areas where business owners with no remorse just wanted to rob individuals blind by pricing items at high just because they wanted to and felt good doing it.

When you look at it, it's always to get more of what an individual has, and if they can't pay it's always to go after all that they have.

Individuals need to wake up and realized that some businesses are just out to target them, and they will use everything they have just to pull individuals in.

It's up to everyone to maintain themselves, know what they can and cannot afford, and don't try to impress anyone by living above their means.

You might try to impress individuals by buying materialistic things that are branded, but after you've spent what you have, who is left holding the bills?

Certainly, not the people that you're trying to impress, actually those same people might be the ones that laugh at you for trying to impress them by spending what you don't have.

Individuals must start setting their priorities straight, do the major and leave the minor for another time, try to settle all outstanding bills, and keep debt at bay.

And if there is a financial problem that needs to be fixed, I'm sure that some businesses will work with them according to the debt timeline. 

If you don't get caught up in the spending spree you wouldn't get caught up in the debt sea, spend wisely people.

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